Tips for Winterizing your RV’s Exterior

By Out-of-Doors Mart on January 19th, 2019 in Tips

Whether you’re a winter camper or you take the season off, there are measures you should take to winterize your RV. Prevent damage, save money, and enjoy your RV more with these great tips from your RV dealer in Greensboro, Out of Doors Mart. 

Winterizing your RV’s Exterior for Storage 

If you plan to park or store your RV for winter, there are certain steps you can take that will protect it from the harsh elements of cold and moisture.  

  • Wax the exterior. Thoroughly wash your RV to remove all dirt. Apply wax to the exterior of your RV and coat well. Wax will protect the exterior of your RV from the effects of moisture, snow, and ice.  
  • Clean the awning. If your RV has an awning, it should be cleaned and dried before being rolled up and put away for the winter. 
  • Clean and cover wheels. Covering your RV wheels can go a long way toward preserving the condition of your tires over a long, cold, wet winter.  
  • Park under a shelter. If possible, park your RV under a carport or some kind of shelter. Inside a garage or barn is ideal if you have the space. This will help to preserve the entire exterior and especially the roof to prevent leaks.  
  • Park on flat, solid surface. It’s best for your tires to be on a flat, solid, dry surface like concrete. Move it every month or so to keep the tires from getting flat spots or weak spots 

Winterizing your RV’s Exterior for Winter Camping 

Winter campers may be fewer, but they are tougher. If you plan to use your RV during the winter, there are some extra measures you should take to protect the exterior for excursions out on the road and in the woods.  

  • Wax the exterior. This also applies to an RV you plan to take out on the road in the winter. Wax provides a barrier to avoid damage from road debris. 
  • Put on winter tires. If you think you’ll encounter snow on your trip, having snow tires on your RV might be a good idea to prevent skidding and sliding on snow or ice.  
  • Seal the roof. Make sure your RV roof is well sealed before attempting a camping trip in cold weather, especially if snow is likely. Heavy snow sitting on top of your RV could cause a leak. Clear snow off the roof as often as possible.  
  • Add extra insulation. Include extra insulation around doors and windows of your RV before camping in cold weather.  

Visit Your RV Dealer in Greensboro for all your Winterizing Supplies 

Out of Doors Mart has everything you need to winterize your RV, whether you plan to park it or hit the road. Don’t leave your RV unprotected from the cold, snow, ice, and moisture of winter. Take care of your investment and enjoy many years of camping in your RV. Visit Out of Doors Mart, your RV dealer in Greensboro and prepare your camper for winter weather. Call (336) 993-4518 or visit 8510 Norcross Road in Colfax, NC.