Tips for Living in an RV or Tiny Home Without Feeling Cramped

By Out-of-Doors Mart on November 24th, 2018 in Tips

RV interior living areaSimplified living is the trend right now, and even more trendy is the concept of tiny homes and RV living. One main difference separates the two: mobility. RVs are designed to be mobile and tiny homes are typically stationary (though they are easier to relocate than larger homes). But both come with the same challenge, which is lack of space. Before you start searching for a tiny home or an RV for sale, consider these tips for living the simple life and decide if it’s for you.  

  1. Pare Down your Possessions. In order to make a tiny home or RV feel less cramped, you’ll need to get rid of a lot of stuff. Get down to the nitty gritty of what you really need on a daily basis. Once you’ve gotten rid of everything you can possibly part with, you’ll probably still need to get rid of more. If the tiny life is going to be a permanent change for you, you’ll need to sell or donate most of your things. If it’s temporary, you could consider renting a storage unit for however many months or years you plan to try this lifestyle. You may find that tiny living isn’t for you and you want your stuff back. 
  2. Use Technology to your Advantage. If there’s one thing technology has done for us, it’s eliminate the need for a lot of things. Your smartphone can now replace a calculator, phone book, map, compass, TV, camera, flashlight, and much more. You can even replace your entire bookshelf with an e-reader. Lighten your load without cramping your style. 
  3. Organization is Crucial. In such a small space you can’t afford to just throw things around and leave them where they lay. Everything should have a place and everything needs to be returned to its place after use. Clutter triggers stress in most people, and a neat and tidy space is much more relaxing. 
  4. Minimize Kitchen Gadgets. There is a gadget for every task you could ever need to do in the kitchen, and yet people have cooked for hundreds of years with only the most basic cooking utensils. Look for recipes that only require one pan or pot to make and you can eliminate a lot of your kitchen clutter. 
  5. Simplify your Wardrobe. You won’t have space for a lot of clothes, so the key is to choose a mix and match wardrobe that allows you to wear pants multiple days but with different shirts and other items. Choose basic, neutral colored shoes that match everything.  

Think this Lifestyle is For You? Find an RV for Sale at Out of Doors Mart 

If you like the idea of simplifying your life and traveling, an RV might be just what you need. You can lighten your load and hit the road, taking in the sights and experiencing something new every day. Find a quality new or used RV for sale at Out of Doors Mart and give the tiny life a try. Call (336) 993-4518 or visit 8510 Norcross Road in Colfax, NC.