RV Roof Care and Maintenance Tips

By Out-of-Doors Mart on September 4th, 2019 in Tips

One of the most important and most often forgotten parts of your RV is the roof. Why is roof care so important? Because a neglected roof can lead to leaks. Leaks lead to unwanted moisture in your RV. Unwanted moisture in your RV leads to mold and mildew growth. Mold and Mildew growth lead to bad smells and an unhealthy living environment. And all of this can be prevented by being proactive about roof maintenance.  

Knowing how to properly care for your RV’s roof is crucial whether you’re a seasoned RV owner or you’re just starting to shop for Airstreams for sale in NC. Here are some tips to help you with this part of vehicle maintenance.  

Refer to the Instruction Manual 

The best place to start is always the instruction manual.  The first thing you want to find out is whether the roof can support your weight. Avoid tragic roof incidents and damage by checking this detail. 

Follow the care tips in your manual and avoid using any products that are unsafe for the RV roof. 

Clean your Roof Regularly 

Cleaning the roof of your RV should be a regular practice, not a once a year thing. Consider cleaning it at least quarterly, or after each trip. If you park your RV outside without a shelter overhead, you may need to clean it more often, especially if there are trees nearby. Leaves and debris from trees can damage the roof. 

Inspect the Seams 

The seams where the panels come together are the most common places leaks. The seams come sealed, but sealant can dry out and fail to keep out moisture. Reseal any seams that seemed damaged. Be wary of harsh cleaners, as these can erode seals and rubber roofs. Make sure to always uses the recommended products suggested in the instruction manual. 

Don’t Wax an Airstream 

Airstreams with an aluminum exterior require special and proper care when cleaning. Unlike fiberglass and rubber roofs, an Airstream roof needs regular soap and water to clean it and polish to restore its shine. Don’t use wax on your Airstream because using traditional waxes could strip off the protective coat and oxidize the aluminum.  

Consider Expert Roof Maintenance from a Trained Technician

Expert maintenance for the roof of your RV will ensure optimal preservation.  The best time to schedule maintenance is before damage or leaks even happen. If you do have a leak or damage on your roof, consider having it repaired by an expert. This will ensure long-term safeguards and guarantee the integrity of your roof. 

Out of Doors Mart has a full-service department that can maintain and repair every part of your RV – from the roof down to the tires. Call (336) 993-4518 to schedule a service appointment. While you’re here check out the new inventory of Rockwoods, Salems, and Airstreams for sale in NC.