How the Plumbing Works in an RV

By Out-of-Doors Mart on April 15th, 2018 in Tips

Thinking of purchasing your first RV? You may be wondering how the plumbing works in an RV. It’s wise to get a thorough understanding of RV plumbing before you purchase an RV and definitely before you go camping in one. Fortunately it’s not complicated, but it’s important to know the basics, especially if you’re thinking of looking at used RVs in Greensboro. Buying used is ideal for first timers because you can save a lot of money. But knowing how the various systems work can help you make sure you’re buying a quality used model.  

Fresh Water System 

There are two different ways to have access to fresh water in your RV. You can hook your plumbing system up directly to a fresh water source or you can fill a storage tank with water to use while you are away from a water source.  

  • Camping with water hookup. Some campgrounds have a freshwater hookup available at each campsite. This allows you to simply connect a hose directly to your RV from the fresh water source provided.  
  • Boondocking. If you plan to camp where no hookup is available you can fill a fresh water storage tank for your water needs. You will have to carefully conserve water in this case because once your supply is gone, you will need to drive to a fresh water source to refill.  

Both options require a pump to give you the necessary water pressure for running water in sinks and showers. There should also be a filter to keep the pump clean and free of debris. 

Draining Water 

Of course, if you have water coming in, there has to be a way for water to get back out. The drains in your sink and shower will drain into what’s referred to as the grey water tank. The toilet drains into the black water tank. These must be emptied at a designated RV dump site. If you are camping at a full-service campsite you will have a sewage connection where your sink and shower water will drain automatically. The black water tank will eventually fill up and need to be drained. You can stop the draining of the grey tank while you empty the black tank, then switch back to automatic draining of grey water.  

Water Heater 

Most RVs now come with hot water heaters so that you can have a warm shower while out on the road. It is important to make sure that there is water in the tank before turning on the hot water heater. Some run on both gas and electric so that you can have hot water at a full-service campsite as well as when you’re boondocking.  

Find Reliable Used RVs in Greensboro at Out of Doors Mart 

Buying used only saves you money when you get a quality RV out of the deal. Before buying used RVs in Greensboro, always check every system including the plumbing. And go to a reputable dealer like Out of Doors Mart where you know you’ll only find quality used models. Visit 8510 Norcross Road in Colfax, NC or call (336) 993-4518.